Our goal is to practice simple, New Testament Christianity. With that in mind, when you attend one of our worship services, we hope you will see a group of people conducting themselves in a way consistent with accounts of Christians in the Scriptures. This means that you may notice a number of differences from what is common with other religious groups. For example, our building is just a building. It isn't ornate or elaborate. We don't consider it to be anything more significant than a place for God's people (the Church) to meet. You may also notice that we don't have any musical instruments nor do we have a choir. Since we don't see accounts of instruments being used in worship in the New Testament, we choose not to use them in worship either. There are certainly many other differences you may notice between us and other groups, but these are some of the most obvious.
Our typical worship service follows a pattern similar to this:
If you have any questions regarding our Bible studies, services or practices, we would be happy to discuss it with you. Please check the contact information elsewhere on this site and choose the method of contact you prefer.